Looking for a replacement for your HandPunch readers?
Following on from the recent decision by Allegion to stop the manufacture and support of its Schlage HandPunch readers, Synel intends to fulfil orders for these devices until 15th June 2021 and will be able to respond to service requests until 31st August 2021.
From speaking to users of these devices, it is clear that many businesses are now looking at alternative types of readers, which, as well as being robust, reliable and future-proof, will enable them to take full advantage of the functionality offered by their Time & Attendance solution.
The latest technology
Synel can supply a host of devices which fill this need. Regardless of whether you decide to deploy traditional card/pin-based devices or wish to benefit from the very latest touch-free facial recognition or highly accurate fingerprint recognition technologies, trouble-free implementation and operation is assured.
What’s more, Synel devices can work hand in hand with HandPunch devices across your solution, providing an easy upgrade path over time.
Synergy Face
A facial recognition device which uses ground-breaking, multidimensional facial analysis and identification algorithms that work with card, proximity and/or PIN verification identification.
Synergy Face can be integrated with contactless IN and OUT buttons, enabling employees to confirm their desired action by simply waving their hand near a button. This removes the need to physically touch the device.
Synergy Fingerprint
A highly flexible biometric hardware device offering multiple identification configurations, including fingerprint, card/FOB and PIN.
Synergy Home
An advanced and sleek self-service solution which provides fingerprint, card, QR code and PIN verification. With access to the network available via its large touch-screen monitor, Synergy Home can be used to request holidays, view schedules and much more.
Synergy Reader
Supporting a wide range of access technologies such as Proximity, Mifare, HID or HID iCLASS, Synergy Reader enables you to create a completely touch free and contactless solution with ‘Swipe and Go’, with the option of dual authentication for high security applications.
To find out more, please call Synel UK on 0208 900 9991, email [email protected] or visit www.synel.co.uk