What is the cost of unplanned interruptions?

From smoking breaks to answering your mobile…
100% productivity is an impossible goal for most employers with all the ‘interruptions’ that keep staff from their desks throughout the day. How much all these stoppages cost in reality? Let us discover the most frequent reasons for work interruptions and how much they cost to an average business.
Being late for work
Employer loses: £186 per month.
Employee earns: £23.25 per month.
Assuming that the employee has an average UK salary of £27,600, they will earn £14.38 per hour, which means that 97 minutes of lateness costs employers £23.25 in lost time, per employee, per month. A report by CareerBuilder found that 16% of employees are late on a weekly basis. This means that, in a business with 50 employees, eight employees are late each week. Assuming that this lateness equates to the monthly average of 97 minutes, this could cost a business around £186 each month.
Taking a smoking break
Employer loses: £1,512.50 per month.
Employee earns: £151.25 per month.
Answering your mobile
Employer loses: £2,016 per month.
Employee earns: £72 per month.
Heading to the doctor
Employer loses: £179.75 per month.
Employee earns: £14.38 per appointment.
Taking a toilet break
Employer loses: £2,880 per month.
Employee earns: £57.60 per month.
What’s the total?
Looking at the figures above, it’s clear that employers are losing out financially when it comes to these work disruptions. In total, non-smoking employees ‘earn’ £1,877.34 from lateness, toilet breaks, doctors’ appointments, and distractions over the course of a year. For smokers, this figure is even higher at £3,692. The total cost is a staggering £79,333 per year for employers with 50 staff members, which is a large amount for what we consider to be small interruptions to our working day.
Synel’s Time & Attendance Solutions like TimeLOGWeb can reduce significantly your business costs due to unplanned work ‘interruptions’.
You can drastically reduce your gross payroll cost per annum, through the process of accurate data capture, automated calculations and simple data transfer.
More specifically, through the use of Synel’s systems, you can:
- Reduce Administration costs Save 7 minutes per employee per week for manual input of time sheets. The process of manually collecting, managing, calculating and processing time data is time consuming. With TimeLOGWeb, you don’t have to worry about data collecting and that can increase efficiency and save money.
- Reduce over payment of wages Reduce ‘time theft’ (lateness, long lunch breaks etc.) up to 30 minutes per employee, per week. So for example if you have 60 employees then you will save up to 18 hours per week.
- Eliminate Human error Minimise the need to manually check time sheets and schedule employees manually. Reduce the number and frequency of human errors, while establishing an easy and secure way in addressing specific needs without complications.
- Motivate staff and improve retention Maximise the performance of your staff by assuring that they are arriving and leaving at the right time. Reward employees that are punctual and have good attendance records and you will be positively surprised by the fact that you will be able to retain and motivate your best staff. Organise an incentive scheme that can be introduce to reward staff systematically.
Recently Synel UK developed an online Savings Calculator tool so you can estimate how you can tackle human error but also over payments and admin costs. Enter your company’s details in Synel’s Savings Calculator and find out how much you could be saving by installing Time and Attendance systems.
Visit Synel’s Savings Calculator here
source: https://www.careerbuilder.com/advice/late-to-work-it-could-get-you-fired
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