Cloud Document Management

Synergy Documents: cloud document management software UK

cloud document management software UK

Document management solution at your fingertips

Synergy Documents allows storing of files on the cloud. It helps you keep records safe and easy to access from anywhere on any device that has Internet access, frees up office space and saves valuable time on administration.

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Data can also be found instantly by applying the relevant filters and most importantly, data stored on Synergy Documents can be controlled, so you can decide who can see what.

In this age of information, cloud document management has become even more imperative as we are heavily reliant on data and documents than ever before.

Paper files cost time to manage, increase the need for more admin resources, and pose significant risks to your business in terms of data protection compliance.

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Synergy Documents – cloud document management software in UK is one solution to all these problems and best of all, it is part of Synel’s complete workforce management product suite so is accessible from one, easy to use graphical user interface.

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