Safeguard your organisation with Fire Roll and Muster solution

Fire disasters can be harrowing even for onlookers completely disconnected from the tragedy itself. The images from the Grenfell Tower disaster, for example, still traumatise us today!
However, they are ways and measures that can be taken to ensure that every person in your office, work centre, school or institution is safeguarded, using the right Fire Safety solutions.
Begin with a well-structured and comprehensively documented fire evacuation plan that is clearly communicated to every individual who uses your premises on a daily basis… students, teachers, staff, employees and management. In addition to being a statutory obligation under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, 2005, such a plan can help save lives, with a clear chain of command defined within your workforce well in advance, reducing confusion in a crucial moment.
Connect your Access Control system to Fire Alarm and Mustering systems. For example, by using Synel’s Advanced Electronic Mustering & Fire Reports Solution, all access check points are immediately marked ‘OPEN’ as soon as the fire alarm is sounded. This ensures that your employees and visitors can escape a burning building faster and more efficiently.
Synel’s Autofire Reports Solution operates with Synel’s Fire Link Hardware Terminal, connected with the Firepanel, to immediately generate fire evacuation reports. Every individual within the building has passed through (and has therefore been recorded by), the Access Control system. When a fire alarm is sounded, a comprehensive Fire Report is immediately generated, listing all those who were in the building. This can be used as a fire register post evacuation.
In the event of an emergency, employees, students, staff and visitors are asked to leave their possessions where they are and evacuate the building in an efficient and orderly manner. They are directed to assemble at one of the designated Muster Points of the building, which are fitted with external readers.
On arrival at the nearest Muster Point, they present their badge, fob or finger (the biometric or other form of identification using which they are registered on the Access Control system) on the reader. Once accounted for, Synel’s live and auto-updating muster screens and dashboards enable fire wardens to quickly and easily account for all staff members and visitors and act to preserve the life and safety of any individual not present within the designated Muster zones.
This ensures speed of action, identifying missing individuals as soon as possible and aids direction of Fire Department staff in search and rescue operations. Maximise peace of mind in all emergency circumstances!
For sprawling campuses, or businesses with larger sites or multiple locations, Synel’s Advanced Autofire Reports can be customised to show a huge amount of data for various parameters: individual sites, departments, last device used, and more. This makes it easier to zone in on where missing persons could be located within the building.
Autofire Reports can be set to print to any named printer on your network or sent to designated emails. They also appear on live web screens, which can be used with all browsers on all desktop and mobile devices.
Stay safe and keep your teams, students, teachers and visitors safe. Work with us to safeguard your office or institution through Fire Roll and Muster Solutions.
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