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Facilities Manager
Financial Directors
HR Directors
Operations Manager
How to become a Cashless School in 5…
, | 28th March 2018

UK is the third most cashless society in the world, after Canada and Sweden, which…

School Cashless Systems help reduce childhood obesity
, | 21st March 2018

Recently, health officials have said “Britain needs to go on a diet”, releasing new official…

strategies to reduce chronic absence in schools
5 Strategies to reduce Chronic Absence in schools
, | 4th July 2017

According to recently published reports by the Department for Education on pupil absence in primary…

Capture the attendance of overseas Tier 4 students in real-time
Capture the attendance of overseas Tier 4 students…
, | 14th May 2017

Synel one of the most experienced providers of Management Software Solutions for Education in the…

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